Friday, July 26, 2024


Connie's Kitchen

 {From the Archives of Connie's Letters, October 2007.}

Dear Mothers,

 When Jim and I first married we lived in this cute apartment. . . It even had a bed that came out of the wall in the living room. . . Anyway, the 2 landladies were sisters and lived together. When Jim was at work I invited them over for desserts. They would tell me about their childhood homes.."Sister made all the pies as she was good at it and I made all the bread," they would tell me. . And at the time, as a young wife, I could tell that in the old time families each one had different gifts in the home. That the Lord sorta planned it like that.

Back then all of the food was made at home. . everything was done at home. My own Mom says about her home.."I wasn't allowed to milk the cows as I wasn't good at it.". . Each family member had certain gifts. . Now days the gifts in a family don't often show up as they aren't needed. But we as home-wives do have gifts in our callings as homemakers.

I know my gift is cooking. I love to hand sew too but I am not good with a sewing machine. . I make everything by hand. . Christiane Joy sews everything by hand too. . Her stitches look just like I sewed them myself. . Always a double thread and double stitching a certain way. I am very peaceful when I sit and sew. 

 But anyway if you get sorta out of the mood for your homemaking, it's nice to start out with your gift and then go from there. . My gift is cooking and baking. . So if I need to clean out a drawer or something I will get something good in the oven baking first..Your gift will inspire you and organize you so that you can think of what else you need to do.

When the children were little and I would get sorta uninspired, I would take an hour or so after lunch and before naps to read to the children the old time stories. . In these stories the mother was always happy and content..Those old time stories inspired me..This old literature is good to read to the children as it teaches them that good writing has a certain rhythm. . Some of the newer children's books don't have the rhythm the old time rhymes had . It's good to teach the children to stand up and recite good literature.

But there are many gifts in a household and in our places as keepers at home. .Try to find out what you are good at and let your gift inspire you.

Love Connie


{Note from the administrator: This writing has been gleaned from the archives of Connie's letters. Find out more about the posts on this blog by reading this introduction. }

* Order Connie's book, "Dear Kitchen Saints."  It is autobiographical and tells the beautiful story of her marriage testimony! You will be encouraged in old time homemaking.* 




Friday, November 10, 2023

Papa's Car

Connie's Kitchen

 {From the Archives of Connie's Letters, September 2007.}

Dear Mothers,

 Oh man yesterday I had to take my Mom to the hospital for tests. . Nothing to do with anything but..well she has a lot of good insurance and they give her tests on tests and don't even know what they do with the tests..they lose them..But I have to drive Papa's car over to her house to take her car and her to the hospital.."I don't ride in any car that doesn't have air conditioning," she tells me ..So I have to drive this nice car with all the windows up, barefoot as the dang thing actually has good breaks..and runs like a top.. And God knows as soon as my tour of duty is over I can't wait to get out to Papa's car and escape through the woods as I drive.."That's against the law," the queen yells..

In Papa's car I have to drive with the widows down as the muffler has a whole in it and my brother told me I would get asphyxiated if I drove with the windows up..I will get it all fixed before winter. Anyway Papa always drove with the window down anyway..even in the winter.. Always smokin and blowin the smoke out the window..When ya drive that car ya work at it as if you had pedals to push under the car.. But that's how Jim and I lived all the time anyway.. And I am just used to workin at drivin the car..

Well I didn't have a license for 38 years so I was never exactly at peace when I drove anyway..But now that I must chauffeur the queen, I must be legal.. 

My neighbor Chuck who mows my lawn with a tractor accidentally backed into Papa's car a few months ago . .But we deserved it as we had at least 3 or 4 trees fall into Chuck's yard when storms came..So I told him we were now even..He said he was ok with that..Well Jim would always go over and clean Chuck's yard after the trees fell in it...But ya know I never feel Jim's presence quite so keen as I feel it in his car.. "Oh Papa I could never get rid of that car." 

Love Connie


{Note from the administrator: This writing has been gleaned from the archives of Connie's letters. Find out more about the posts on this blog by reading this introduction. }

* Order Connie's book, "Dear Kitchen Saints."  It is autobiographical and tells the beautiful story of her marriage testimony! You will be encouraged in old time homemaking.*