Part 1
ya know i really think any marriage can be restored.. Well no..if there is child abuse in the home of any wud have to separate..Mothers have to protect their children..But back in the old days when Jim and i were separated..i wudnt hear from Jim for months on end.. And yet i ask the Lord to bring him home.. So i wud wait by the phone thinking the Lord wud have him call home...Or when i wud get home from the store i wud think,,"Well he will be home when i get there.." But no... i wud pray and see nothing..There was nothing to tell me that he had any intentions of coming back ..i wud pray and pray and see nothing..In the night i wud awaken thinking i had heard the garage door open..and that Jim was putting the car in the garage for the nite..But no it was only a dream..there was nothing to say that i shud have any hope at all..But then the Lord began teaching me about Mark 11;23 and 24...Believe that you have what you ask for..I began to understand that we are to BELIEVE and then RECEIVE..Not receive and then BELIEVE..So as the Lord taught me... He wud show me to clean the house and make a delicious supper for the evening..He showed me to set the table and put Jims plate at the head of the table..Boy i felt stupid putting that plate at the head of the table..i hadnt heard from Jim...Satan wud condemn me and tell me i was nuts..But i learned this spiritual law and no devil cud take this from me..
Part 2
So my physical sight told me i was nuts but the Lord was giving me an
invisable faith and i cud feel it in my heart..And each day i walked by
faith and i began seeing the impossible made possible..So i cud see my
faith working as long as i worked it by my faith in God..The trouble was
tho..i had enuf faith to bring him home ,,but not to keep him home,,Jim
told me."I feel like a YO-yo..i come home and then i leave...and then i
come home and i leave.."Well once i wud get my prayers answered i wud get
so fearful that i scared Jim and myself have to death..Fear will always
unravel faith if you let it...i think i read where the words "fear not" is
in the Bible 365 times..We are always told in the Word of God to trust in
the Lord and lean not to our own understanding..Like Noah ...He built the
ark by faith on dry land..He didnt start building a boat when it began to
rain..He didnt say "Welll even tho God told me to build an ark,,i will
just wait and see if it rains a lil bit..and then i will hurry and build an
ark..No Noah built the ark as soon as God told him to..And Noah saved his
whole family..Noah was a righteous man..And what made him righteous..? His
faith in God..Abraham believed God and it was acounted to him for
righteousness..And so as the years of my marriage went on my faith grew in
God..And the Lord began to rule..Love connie
I was blessed to read this post this morning. Living by faith is something we must learn to do intentionally. It will not happen by accident. It is amazing that as we exercise our faith, it grows in strength. God rewards us with growth, I am so glad that I was your neighbor at Teach Me Tuesday.
We just had a sermon about this at our church on Sunday! Exercise your faith by walking in obedience! I love your writing, Connie! So encouraging!
I am so glad to find that you have a new website. I have been reading all of your writing for the past few months on Happy Housewifery, but was saddened to see no posts since May. I was afraid that you had given up on writing, but I see that you have just moved to a new website. I am also excited that you have a new book! I can't wait to get it. God has led me to your writing and I have been richly blessed and encouraged by it in my everyday life as a young stay-at-home mom and wife. Reading what God leads you to write helps me to feel purposeful in my homemaking and faithful in the trials of my marriage. You truly are a Titus 2 mother, and I have been searching for years for someone with wisdom that would share their experiences. Thank you and God bless you!
Many blessings,
Good Morning, Connie ~ I read your letters many years ago. I even sent you a card after your husband past away. I have a blog and wrote about you recently:
I am happy to hear you have a book and a blog. You are a wise woman.
Great teaching Connie! :) I am SO GLAD you have a blog now!! :D
Connie asked me to let you all know how grateful she is for your comments. She wants to respond, but is having computer issues.
She has a new computer coming this week.
(from the site administrator, Mrs. White)
Do you realise what a blessing you are to me, and I believe to many others? I have been studying your writings for a while, and the more I STUDY as opposed to reading them, I am learning just so much. Like when you said that Jim felt like a yo yo, as your faith brought him home, but not enough that he would stay home. Another light bulb went on!!! Please keep the lessons coming, as I am finally understanding more of what The Lord has been trying to teach me for years!!! T hank you so much for your obedience to God, and taking the time to teach me, I am very grateful. Love and blessings. Antonia.
Thanks for writing Ladies..i love hearing from you..Antonia, i think the Lord is teaching you how to walk by faith..the just shall live by faith..It is impossible to please God without faith..We dont believe after we see ..we believe first then we see..All things are possible to those who CAN believe...Yes when Jim felt like a yo-yo..he left ..came home..left came home..But the deal is this..we get the faith from God but for this reason or that we cant hang onto our faith..Fear kills the faith..Like i had the faith to believe for him to come home..But after he got home i wud lose my faith and became fearful.Jim cud see this and wud catch my fear and give up on himself and leave..then i wud get built back up in my faith and again and he wud come home..I never knew where he was at..and he wud be gone months at a time..But i pretty much knew when he was on his way back home as i cud tell when my faith level was high.Jim needed my faith and seemed bound by demons..Jill and Dixie stood with me and finally Jim came home to stay . For the first 12 yrs of our marriage we batted the faith back and forth....But then my friends stood with me in faith and Jim got healed ...Jim had never been home for more then 3 months at a time..But one day he got healed and we had a happy marriage for 25 yrs.After this my friend Colleens husband got healed of alcoholism ..He hasnt drank now for 20 yrs and her son was healed too..We have seen many healed through connie
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