Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Holy Housewifery

Dear Sisters , Ya know we learn obedience to the Lord thru the things that we suffer..As we submit to our husbands - as we humble ourselves...Preachers arent teaching this in the church..its so sad..The big message of the day is "Woman you are loosed".. Loosed from what ? Loosed from what the Bible says about your place as keeper at home..The loosed woman is the one who CAN trust in the Lord and His Word.Some of these preachers from the pulpit seem to be trying to give the Christian wife and Mother an attitude ..A smarty pants personality...What are they doing to our country? Its like these preachers are either ignorant ..or they have an agenda to chase the home makers out to get a job..A two income family can sure give alot more money than a family with a stay at home mother..i mean i am not telling you all any more than what you know already..the problem is that we as Mothers dont want to stand alone..The social gospel will give us happiness for a while..But of all the times to be spiritually lazy ? i mean thats dangerous in this age..Truth ..Gird your loins with Truth ..its part of the whole armor of God,,Eph 6...Also 2 Tmothy 2;3 and 4 ..Thou therefore ENDURE hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Also `the 4th verse No Man {or woman}entangles himself or her self with the affairs of this life..that she may please Him who hath chosen her to be a connie

* Order Connie's book, "Dear Kitchen Saints," available on Amazon. It is autobiographical and tells the beautiful story of her marriage testimony!* 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you...I do not know anyone "in the flesh" thats thinks this..or maybe they do, but they do not share it.
God bless you