Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Walking by Faith - Remembering son David

{From the Archives of Connie's Letters. June 2015.}

Ya know in my testimony "Bring Him Home"... I explain that when Jim came home and had given his heart to the Lord, he had asked me to have another child. . We had 3 children already ...Well I didn't want to have anymore children at the time. . Jim never stayed home over 3 months.  . and when he asked me to have another child he was due to leave me again. . He had been home about 2 and a half months. . I was trying to keep a cap on my fears. .

Yes I believed he was truly a Christian now. . But even Christians make mistakes. . I was wanting him to prove himself and be home maybe a year? at least? before we took on another baby..? 

But the Lord spoke to my heart that I needed to continue to walk  by faith. . . So I said "Yes" to Jim's desire to have another child. .  I wanted another child too. . .but I was just wanting to wait a while. .

Anyway our dear David was due on Jim's birthday, Oct 27th. . Jim got to see him being born. . Jim  hadn't been with me for the first 3 children. . Jim had been healed and was to be home with us until he died, 27 years later...

Our David was always so quiet .. A  peace maker.....He was deeply spiritual. . When I homeschooled the children, we started every day with devotions. .The children had to answer questions about the Bible. . David always knew the answers. . And when most of the kids moved away after Jim died, and they were grown. . . David never moved away. . His wife, the other day, told me that David stayed close to watch over his mother. . me. . He refused to leave.

David is our son who died a year ago on June 16th .  . He died at age 33 . . His wife had their children pick out bushes and plant them in their yard as a remembrance of  the first year after David's death. . The plants were called David. . . and they were white. . I had often written about the pure white rose with the crimson stain. . .

About a month ago, David's wife brot a pic over that she framed. . David was an artist. . Anyway, it was a pic of a Locked heart with a ribbon flowing through it that says Mom and Dad on it. . Now Jim and David are in Heaven together.
And I don't mean to say David was perfect. . But there seems to be a reason for his birth. . probably more than what I know. . And a reason for his death. .
After we had his memorial and we were all out visiting on my front  porch, carloads of  kids rolled in and came up on the porch. . I heard over and over . . . as they shook hands with me and introduced themselves. . "David was our best friend"... I fought back the tears then as I do now. . I trust in God to heal my broken heart. . . .Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him. . Love Connie

* Order Connie's book, "Dear Kitchen Saints," available on Amazon. It is autobiographical and tells the beautiful story of her marriage testimony!* 

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