Monday, December 16, 2013

The Romance of Thrift

{From the Archives of Connie's Letters, January 2007.}

Ya know some of you Mothers with large families, make the world think you
enjoy being poor. Become love slaves to your husbands. Let your kitchens
come alive with cooking and baking. Enjoy going to second hand stores and
finding old time pots and pans and aprons. I have a pink hand mixer I found
a few years ago.

The old time Mothers loved their families and they gave themselves whole
heartedly to their husbands and his children. She was sold out to her
family and home and she could give a hoot what the world thought of her.
While the other ladies were out shopping and catting around, she was at
home in love with her husband and her kitchen.

And ya know in all the good Fairy Tales you read, you never hear of a
haughty lazy wife whom everyone loved or admired. No, it was the
Cinderellas and the Snow Whites who had good and loving hearts and loved to
keep house. The ladies of yesteryear were always lovely to look at with
long pretty hair and flowers in it. Flowing cotton skirts with a broom in
their hands. She loves babies and her Prince Charming loves her for her
womanly ways. A home graced with contentment will make your bread
rise. Happy bubbly bread always rises first.

The feminists of this day would have been called crabby fish wives in the
old time Fairy tale books. Mostly wives with tall black hats and scraggly
teeth. Instead of sweeping the floor with their dirty brooms, they ride
them on dark windy nights. But the truly romantic wife is at home sewing
and making soup. She doesn’t care if her husband brings home rotten apples
for supper… she praises him anyway for bringing something home for supper.
She is a true Pollyanna and her true Prince is Jesus Christ. And if her
husband is truly poor, she takes a vow of poverty and lives only under her
beloved as she sews and cooks and bakes. She does him good all the days of
her life.


{Connie's new book of letters was just published!  "Dear Christmas Mothers" is available for sale at Amazon.}

For more information, or to order, please feel welcome to use our Amazon Affiliate link:

- "Dear Christmas Mothers" at Amazon.

paperback, 116 pages.


Mama Said No said...

Love the post--you always write such lovely thoughts that hold a LOT of truth.

Tracey said...

I enjoyed reading this. I've always enjoyed my home and even though my husband and I are not without money, I still think it's good stewardship to be thrifty. God provides us with our money, shouldn't we take care of it? Thanks for the great reminder that being a wife and mother are virturious and lovely.